
Cameco Corporation’s stock took a hit on Tuesday, dropping by 4.9% by early afternoon. The reason for this decline is quite clear – a combination of supply constraints and increasing demand for uranium in late 2023 and early 2024 led to a surge in prices, surpassing $100 per pound. However, this rally did not last, and prices began to fall in March, leading to a significant sell-off. Uranium prices have since stabilized in the mid-$80 range, with a recent downward trend.

The decline in uranium prices can be attributed to a variety of factors. According to, last year’s price increase was driven by strong demand projections. Conversely, the recent drop is a result of increased supply and the impact of higher prices on demand. Factors such as the resumption of full production at Kazakhstan’s Kazatomprom, new mining operations in Namibia and Australia, and higher production levels at Cameco have all contributed to a forecasted 4.1% annual growth in uranium supply through 2030. This growth is expected to alleviate supply constraints and reduce the premium buyers are willing to pay for uranium.

For investors in cyclical stocks like mining companies, fluctuations in supply and demand are not uncommon. When supply is low, prices increase, prompting miners to ramp up production. However, this increased supply eventually leads to a decrease in prices. Currently, uranium prices are still in the $80 range, providing healthy profits for companies like Cameco. But with stock prices up 70% over the past year and trading at over 130 times trailing earnings, the window of opportunity for investors may be closing.

If you are considering investing in Cameco, it is essential to weigh the risks and rewards. While the company’s stock has seen significant gains, it may be prudent to consider other investment opportunities. The Motley Fool Stock Advisor team has identified 10 stocks with high growth potential, and Cameco did not make the list. Past recommendations from Stock Advisor, such as Nvidia in 2005, have yielded substantial returns for investors.

In conclusion, the recent drop in Cameco Corporation’s stock price can be attributed to a combination of factors affecting the uranium market. Investors should carefully evaluate their investment decisions and consider alternative opportunities for potential growth.