After the renewed outbreak of two wolves has announced the wildlife Park Knüll in the North Hessian town of Homberg/Efze better safety precautions. The fences in the wolf and bear enclosures will be reinforced, as the Park management stated, together with the district administrator, Winfried Becker (SPD). In addition, independent experts to inspect the plant, as it was called.
you can Also use cameras to Monitor the 7000 square meter large enclosure is to be installed. “The issue of security is a top priority for us,” stressed Becker, angered by the renewed wolf escape. “For me, twice is definitely too much.”
Wolf shot
On Friday, two of the ten wolves have overcome several fences and ran through the visitors to the time, but closed the Park. A Wolf had been shot for safety reasons. The second Wolf the escape from the Park. He is currently allegedly in an unknown location in the Region.
in February of 2018, there was a wolf outbreak, but remained largely without consequences. The security measures had been intensified after, said Park Director Wolfgang Fröhlich. But they were clearly not adequate to the wolves completely.
“No danger for the population”
If the Wolf is going to spotted in the wild, and a danger to farm animals, there is the possibility that the escaped Wolf will be shot, announced the district administrator of Becker. Of a danger to the public Park and circle don’t go out in the wild. However, it is conceivable that he may show himself in the vicinity of settlements.