
A former FBI agent provided insight into how law enforcement captured the suspect in the multi-state homicide investigation of Rachel Morin. Retired FBI agent Scott Duffey mentioned that during homicide investigations, law enforcement starts by looking at the victim’s loved ones and then expands outward. The FBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) played a crucial role in connecting evidence from different locations.

The breakthrough in Morin’s case came when DNA evidence from Los Angeles matched evidence from the crime scene in Maryland. CODIS operates under strict guidelines to ensure the accuracy of DNA matches, providing investigators with confidence in the results. The unexpected twist in the investigation came when the suspect, Victor Martinez Hernandez, was identified as an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

Martinez Hernandez’s immigration status led to collaboration between U.S. law enforcement and FBI international offices in El Salvador. The FBI’s presence in El Salvador helped bridge the gap between American and Salvadoran authorities, allowing for effective communication and cooperation in the case. Martinez Hernandez had fled El Salvador after committing a brutal murder, prompting the FBI to issue a red notice to Interpol.

Law enforcement utilized digital forensics to track Martinez Hernandez’s movements and gather evidence for the case. Despite being a fugitive, Martinez Hernandez managed to evade capture for 10 months before being arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Authorities suspect that Martinez Hernandez may have been involved in other crimes before Morin’s murder, indicating a pattern of violence.

Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler announced Martinez Hernandez’s arrest, highlighting his illegal entry into the U.S. and previous criminal activities in El Salvador and Los Angeles. The suspect’s arrest brought closure to the case of Rachel Morin, a mother of five who was reported missing and later found dead on a hiking trail in Maryland.

Overall, the collaborative efforts of law enforcement, the use of advanced forensic technology, and international cooperation were instrumental in capturing the suspect in Rachel Morin’s murder. The case serves as an example of the dedication and persistence of investigators in solving complex crimes and delivering justice to victims and their families.