
Breaking news today covers a range of urgent developments across different sectors. In business, breaking news reveals significant mergers and market shifts. In entertainment, breaking news focuses on celebrity scandals and movie premieres. In education, breaking news highlights policy changes and school-related incidents. In health, breaking news covers public health emergencies and medical breakthroughs. In lifestyle, breaking news unveils new trends and cultural events. In politics, breaking news showcases key legislative decisions and political controversies. In science, breaking news highlights groundbreaking discoveries and research findings. In sports, breaking news updates fans on game outcomes and player injuries. In technology, breaking news covers cybersecurity threats and tech innovations. Stay tuned for the latest updates!

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TV license fee: amount, exemption, deadline for payment

The television license fee, officially called “contribution to public broadcasting”, is a tax payable by taxpayers who own a television set “or any device...
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Here’s how much Emmanuel Macron’s plane trips cost

He left, this Monday, July 25, 2022, for Cameroon. The President of the Republic goes there, explains France 24 on its site, as part...
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Heat wave: where do the many power cuts come from?

Thermometers recorded particularly high temperatures at the start of the week everywhere in France, sometimes rising above 40°C. While 13 departments are still placed...
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Heat wave: 5 tips for cooling a car without air conditioning

We are all looking for ways to refresh ourselves. Unfortunately, cars are no exception and can quickly become a stuffy place. Fortunately, there are...
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Canceled flights: how to get reimbursed?

A beautiful holiday in the sun can quickly turn into a nightmare because of transport. Indeed, air travel has experienced many difficulties since the...
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Holidays: In case of lost luggage, what are your rights?

The strike movement at the beginning of July turned many holiday departures upside down. Some had their flights canceled, and others were unable to...
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Baggage handlers’ strike: 6 tips for traveling only with cabin baggage

When traveling, you don't always want to carry around with a big bulky suitcase. Your cabin baggage is also checked and like its big...
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Weather: 41 departments on storm alert this Friday evening

The summer of all records? This summer season is marked by many meteorological exploits, starting with the month of June, which turns out to...
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Seventh wave: the few departments where it persists

Good news ! According to Jean-François Delfraissy, soon to be former president of the Scientific Council who has spent the last few months carefully...
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Summer weather 2022: a high risk of a heat wave in August

Will 2022 be one of the hottest summers ever recorded on French territory? After two particularly hot first months and already several heat waves,...


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