
Breaking news today covers a range of urgent developments across different sectors. In business, breaking news reveals significant mergers and market shifts. In entertainment, breaking news focuses on celebrity scandals and movie premieres. In education, breaking news highlights policy changes and school-related incidents. In health, breaking news covers public health emergencies and medical breakthroughs. In lifestyle, breaking news unveils new trends and cultural events. In politics, breaking news showcases key legislative decisions and political controversies. In science, breaking news highlights groundbreaking discoveries and research findings. In sports, breaking news updates fans on game outcomes and player injuries. In technology, breaking news covers cybersecurity threats and tech innovations. Stay tuned for the latest updates!

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Ticks in the garden: 6 tips to get rid of them

The sun and the heat are the proof, summer has indeed arrived. Exit jeans and sneakers, make way for shorts and barefoot. If these...
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Weather: 13 departments on heat wave alert from Monday

The days are longer, the beaches are filling up, the temperatures are rising... Behind this summer landscape lie the risk of drought and the...
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Weather until autumn: the forecast for August, September and October

After a particularly hot and stormy month of June, July promises to be marked by heat and drought. Indeed, the week of the 14th...
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Can we circumvent the Agirc-Arrco penalty without having to work more?

The retirement age, both in its legal and effective dimension, is an issue. This is a subject that the President of the Republic works...
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Supplementary pension: what should change in terms of contributions

Do managers and employees have cause for concern? In any case, this is what some of the activists most fiercely opposed to the evolution...
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Supplementary pension: how much more will you earn after the revaluation?

This was the promise of the head of state. During the campaign for the presidential election, when he was trying to convince the French...
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Supplementary pensions: despite inflation, the boost will wait until November

Good news for French pensioners: their basic pension will indeed increase by 4% from this August with retroactive effect to July. Usually, the adjustment...
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Pension reform: what do we know about the timetable envisaged by the government?

You will have to work longer. In the eyes of the government, it is now a certainty. Since the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, who...
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Fort Boyard: Olivier Minne makes an astonishing revelation

Back on small screens since July 2, 2022, Fort Boyard is the must-have show of the summer. Public figures always respond to the fort's...
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Bruno Guillon, Philippe Etchebest… These candidates for Fort Boyard who forgot the key!

Watch out for the gaffe in Fort Boyard. For more than 30 years, France 2's flagship program hosted in turn by Patrice Laffont, Jean-Pierre...


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