
Breaking news today covers a range of urgent developments across different sectors. In business, breaking news reveals significant mergers and market shifts. In entertainment, breaking news focuses on celebrity scandals and movie premieres. In education, breaking news highlights policy changes and school-related incidents. In health, breaking news covers public health emergencies and medical breakthroughs. In lifestyle, breaking news unveils new trends and cultural events. In politics, breaking news showcases key legislative decisions and political controversies. In science, breaking news highlights groundbreaking discoveries and research findings. In sports, breaking news updates fans on game outcomes and player injuries. In technology, breaking news covers cybersecurity threats and tech innovations. Stay tuned for the latest updates!

CSU Christmas party A confession as a gift

CSU-Christmas party: A confession as a gift

Christmas parties mountains some joy and some danger, Franz Beckenbauer is able to sing a song. Particularly dangerous, but the Christmas celebrations of...
Information campaign Ask what does the EU do for You

Information campaign: Ask, what does the EU do for You!

a quarter of A century after the founding of the EU, the European Institution before your main test. The British want to leave...
New Graffito in Wales Christmas greetings from Banksy

New Graffito in Wales: Christmas greetings from Banksy

The enigmatic street artist Banksy has left with a Graffito of a thoughtful Christmas message on a garage wall in Wales. To see...
CSU comment Peaceful Christmas for the CSU

CSU-comment: Peaceful Christmas for the CSU

Where there should be a Christmas of peace, if not in a Christian party? So Board meeting, which is forwarded to the CSU...
Brexit comment The EU protects itself

Brexit-comment: The EU protects itself

a Hundred days before the Brexit, the Europeans are in a grotesque position. Laboriously, the EU has negotiated, Commission for the 27 remaining...
New Graffiti in Wales Christmas greetings from Banksy

New Graffiti in Wales: Christmas greetings from Banksy

The enigmatic street artist Banksy has left with a winter Graffiti a thoughtful Christmas message on a garage wall in Wales. To see...
Withdrawal from Syria Trump America is not the policeman of the Middle East

Withdrawal from Syria: Trump: America is not the policeman of the Middle East

The American President Donald Trump is not "has been defended on Thursday his decision for the withdrawal of American troops from Syria and...
EU proceedings against Poland European values cannot defend themselves

EU proceedings against Poland: European values cannot defend themselves

a year Ago, the European Commission against Poland-their strongest criminal means: the rule of law procedure in accordance with article 7 of the...
The right of asylum in America contrary to the immigration laws

The right of asylum in America: contrary to the immigration laws

Another setback for the strict immigration policies of the American President Donald Trump: A judge at the Federal court in Washington explained the...
Crisis and renovation payment stop for the Gorch Fock arranged

Crisis and renovation: payment stop for the Gorch Fock arranged

Because of the significant problems in the restoration of the sailing school ship "Gorch Fock" has instructed the Ministry of defence, a provisional...


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