How old do you feel?
How old are you really? For many French women and men, the question may seem innocuous, if not downright silly: how to ignore your...
Rebound of Covid-19: what are the places where we are most contaminated?
The health crisis has not said its last word. Since May 16, 2022, the French have returned to a “normal” social life. No more...
Summer horoscope: what awaits your sign during the summer holidays
Will your summer be filled with exciting adventures? Are you going to live a new love story at the beach? Will your finances make...
Covid-19 vaccination: who will soon receive a letter from the government?
The health crisis is gradually coming back to the fore. For several weeks, France has been facing "an epidemic resumption which is linked to...
Covid-19: all the worrying signs that could threaten your summer
The French women and men had almost “forgotten” its existence. After two years spent fighting the Covid-19 coronavirus, the epidemic now seemed far behind...
Beach: do you know this trick to avoid sand on your towel?
Only a few more weeks of waiting and the 2022 summer holidays will have officially started for all school zones in the territory. This...
Daval case: Alexia’s family will recover the house in Gray-la-Ville
A home of happy and sad memories. This small pavilion, located in Gray-la-Ville (Haute-Saône), has a most symbolic value for the family of Alexia...
Interruption of the 20 hour news on TF1: the dates to remember
It is an unmissable event for many French people, and one of the flagship programs of the TF1 channel: the 8 p.m. television news.It...
Chicago Snowfall Forecast: Expect Slick Roads for Morning Commute
Chicago Snowfall Forecast: Expect Slick Roads for Morning CommuteIn the wee hours of Tuesday morning, a swift snowfall swept across the Chicago area, prompting...