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Google closes its social network after a breach affecting 500 000 accounts

Google closes its social network after a breach affecting 500 000 accounts

The end of Google+ rang. The u.s. firm said on Monday, having closed down its social network after you have discovered and...
The deacutefis military lrsquoartificial intelligence

The défis military l’artificial intelligence

For the modern military, "the artificial intelligence (AI) is presented as the main track of the tactical superiority" and it became "...
Without papers welcome Two Berlin based reasons refugee Uni

Without papers welcome: Two Berlin-based reasons, refugee-Uni

The Kiron-University wants to bypass the bureaucracy.Regardless of your German language skills and your residency status, refugees are not allowed to register here. ...
Vacation tips for the summer Ten dream destinations that hardly anyone has heard of

Vacation tips for the summer: Ten dream destinations that hardly anyone has heard of

Mallorca, Santorin, Venedig: Zahlreiche Reiseziele sind so beliebt, dass der Touristenandrang die Urlaubsstimmung trübt. In einer repräsentativen Umfrage des Buchungsportals "Travelzoo" zeigt...
Audi e tron Test range price

Audi e-tron: Test, range, price

Auto-Deutschland tickt aus: SPD und Grüne führen Diesel-Verbote in Berlin ein – und träumen schon davon, auch nagelneue Euro 6-Diesel zu verbieten...
In addition to cost calculator What is require the notary and the land registry

In addition to cost calculator: What is, require the notary and the land registry

you want to be an owner of real estate, the notary, for two reasons: The legislature prescribes for the protection of the...
Against the false promise of beer The Reinheitsgebot is a Farce

Against the false promise of beer: The Reinheitsgebot is a Farce

This year, on 23. April, Germany celebrated a big anniversary: the 500-year anniversary of the German purity law. Huldigende celebrations and praise...
Credit cards compared with more than 100 credit cards

Credit cards-compared with more than 100 credit cards

Weltweit kostenlos Bargeld abheben, einfach und unkompliziert die Kreditkarte beantragen, geringe Sollzinsen und Einsatzgebühren im In- und Ausland – das sind die...


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