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Oscars invite Steven Yeun and Issa Rae to Academy

Steven Yeun and Nathan Lane are among those invited to join Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Thursday's announcement by the Oscars organization said...

Is #MeToo the right hashtag? Fearful chilling effect of Cosby reverse

Indira Henard was the director of DC Rape Crisis Center. She received the text message Wednesday and thought her phone wasn't working correctly. A colleague...
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Chris Pratt takes on a major challenge: Originality

Chris Pratt is a star of Marvel and Jurassic World, but he still craves something new.Pratt said that he heard people complaining about these...
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Melissa Coates, ex-WWE star, dies at 50

In the ring, Super Genie was the name of the professional wrestler. Melissa Coates, also known as "Super Genie" within the ring's ring, has passed...
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Tokyo is set to host the No-Fun Olympics, with many rules and tests

The Tokyo Olympics are already being delayed due to the pandemic. Fans are not the best. The Japanese public is not the only one concerned about...
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Spielberg’s Amblin to Create several Movies per Year to Get Netflix

Steven Spielberg, a filmmaker interchangeable with big-screen enchantment, has put a new bargain with Netflix where his production company, Amblin Partners, will create several...
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The Mummy: Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz’s adventurous romp catches lightning in an urn

I love The Mummy. In a pinch, I’m pretty sure I could close my eyes, clear my mind and play the entire movie in...
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Charles Barkley showed us how Awful — and Great — he’s at his job...

TNT mouth blasts that the'politically correct' for shooting pleasure from his occupationI have been on the record for many years detailing why I think...
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Q&A: Rita Moreno on Discovering self-worth Rather than giving up

By six, she had been dancing in Greenwich Village nightclubs. By 16, she had been working full time.From the documentary "Rita Moreno: Only a...
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The host told Vanna White that his longtime family dog, Stella, died

"Wheel of Fortune" supporters showed their support for sponsor Pat Sajak after he disclosed that his longtime family , Stella, died recently.The host, who's...


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