Supermarket: how can my till receipt bring me money?
At the supermarket checkout, there are two schools: those who religiously keep all their receipts, and those who throw them away before they even...
Electricity: do we know how much we will have to pay this winter?
The Prime Minister intends to renationalise EDF 100%. The operation, explains La Dépêche, aims to allow the State better control of its energy policy....
What to do to turn your small parts into a voucher
Who has never kept small pieces without really knowing what to do with them? They have the unfortunate tendency to weigh down the wallet...
Thermal colanders: 140,000 properties soon to be banned from rental?
France has 5.2 million thermal strainers among the 30 million main residences, according to the National Observatory for Energy Renovation (ONRE). This represents 17%...
Purchasing power: the 30-day rule to save as much as possible in a month
Save 20% of your income, set aside three months' salary, multiply investments... When it comes to finances, these adages are far from realistic for...
Purchasing power: 5 tips for saving before the start of the school year
Summer is in full swing! This weekend, it is also the famous “chassé-croisé” between the Julyists and the Augustians on the roads of France....
Life insurance: why some might be rubbing their hands
Savings back in favor? Holders of Livret A - or other comparable regulated products such as the Livret de développement durable et solidaire (LDDS)...
Receipt of the tax notice: what should be done now?
Do not expect to be (already) done with taxes. Since Monday July 25, 2022, French people have just started to receive their tax notice....
Bird Flu Outbreak Claims Lives of Flamingo and Seal at Lincoln...
Bird Flu Outbreak Claims Lives of Flamingo and Seal at Lincoln Park ZooIn a heartbreaking turn of events, a Chilean flamingo named Teal...