China sends up the next crew to space station in June
China will send three additional astronauts to its new space station in June, after the crew that returned from orbit last weekend has returned.Hao...
A pterosaur fossil discovered in Scotland
Scientists announced Tuesday that they have discovered the fossil of a 170-million-year-old pterosaur on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. It is the best-preserved prehistoric...
Expert Says: Titanic Kate Winslet Alien’ on Mars
NASA released images online that show what appears to be a person watching the Mars rover. People are losing it.These photos show an unusual...
Highly virulent HIV variant found in Europe
Scientists have discovered a new HIV variant that is more dangerous than the usual. It has been quietly circulated in the Netherlands for many...
Scientists have discovered how gut microbes can lead to obesity
Scientists have found a molecule linking microbes in the human stomach and human fat levels.Researchers from Emory University in the USA found that genes,...
This revolutionary lightweight material is super-strong and light.
This new material is stronger and lighter than steel, but it's as light as plastic.
MIT chemical engineers created a stronger material than steel but...
Four Telescopes Observe the Universe to Detect Dangerous Asteroids
The University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy's state-of the-art asteroid alarm system (IfA), can now scan the entire sky every 24 hours for potentially...
A Space Mystery Object Flashed Brilliantly for Three Months – Then It Disappeared
"Holy sharks Batman, it's periodic!" I exclaimed to Slack.
We were all working remotely at the time, so it was the first lockdown in 2021...
Sen. Blumenthal Urges Shooting Down Mysterious Drones if Necessary
Senator Urges Shooting Down Mysterious Drones Over U.S. SkiesA U.S. Senator from Connecticut, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, recently made a bold statement regarding the mysterious...