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Employment: how to get rid of the impostor syndrome?

"I'm not capable", "I don't deserve this job", "The others are much better than me", etc. There are many demeaning little phrases that weigh...

NASA moon rocket is facing more flight delays due to repairs

After a series of failed fueling tests, NASA's mega-moon rocket flight debut is facing additional delays. Officials stated Monday that it would be difficult to...
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Arctic bases are suffering from climate change: Sunken runways and damaged roads

The Pentagon's watchdog office stated Friday that U.S. military bases located in the Arctic and subarctic are not preparing their facilities for long-term climate...
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China sends up the next crew to space station in June

China will send three additional astronauts to its new space station in June, after the crew that returned from orbit last weekend has returned.Hao...
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A pterosaur fossil discovered in Scotland

Scientists announced Tuesday that they have discovered the fossil of a 170-million-year-old pterosaur on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. It is the best-preserved prehistoric...  resize

Expert Says: Titanic Kate Winslet Alien’ on Mars

NASA released images online that show what appears to be a person watching the Mars rover. People are losing it.These photos show an unusual...
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Highly virulent HIV variant found in Europe

Scientists have discovered a new HIV variant that is more dangerous than the usual. It has been quietly circulated in the Netherlands for many...
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Scientists have discovered how gut microbes can lead to obesity

Scientists have found a molecule linking microbes in the human stomach and human fat levels.Researchers from Emory University in the USA found that genes,...


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