
June Recognized as Cataract Awareness Month to Highlight Common Eye Condition

The month of June brings attention to the importance of recognizing and addressing cataracts, a common but potentially dangerous eye condition. While cataracts are treatable with surgery, it is crucial not to ignore the signs and symptoms that could lead to vision impairment or loss. Experts emphasize the significance of regular eye exams, especially for individuals over the age of 40, to monitor and detect the onset of cataracts.

Dr. Sila Bal, a global ophthalmology fellow and specialist in cataract surgery, highlights age as the primary risk factor for developing cataracts. Factors such as UV exposure, smoking, and diabetes can also contribute to the early onset and progression of cataracts. It is essential to prioritize eye health and undergo yearly eye exams starting in your 40s to catch any signs of eye disease early on.

Cataracts are a leading cause of blindness globally, affecting millions of Americans aged 40 and older. Symptoms such as blurry vision and glare/halos at night are common indicators of cataracts. While cataracts are inevitable with age, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting your eyes from sun exposure can help prevent early onset cataracts.

Cataract surgery is a common procedure with a high success rate, improving vision for the majority of patients. It is crucial to consult with your eye surgeon to understand the risks and benefits of surgery based on your individual health factors. Early diagnosis and treatment are key to preventing further visual impairment caused by dense cataracts.

In rare cases, cataracts can occur in infants due to genetic conditions or exposure to infections or toxins during pregnancy. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent long-term damage to visual development in children. Regular eye check-ups and awareness of cataract symptoms are vital for maintaining good eye health as you age.

Remember to prioritize your eye health and seek medical attention if you experience any signs of cataracts to prevent vision loss in the future.