Departures that make a lot of noise. As revealed by Le Parisien on August 19, the two referees of the show Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard will not be present at the start of the next school year alongside Laurent Romejko in Numbers and Letters. The program, which will now be broadcast on weekends, has been replaced on weekdays by the daily Duels en famille: le match des regions, presented by Cyril Féraud.
In a press release sent to our colleagues, the two stars of the show, present for 36 and 47 years, finally broke the silence. According to them, they were “forced and forced” and to add: “We had chosen not to respond to requests from journalists, to digest this situation of rare violence”, before finally agreeing to talk about it. to our colleagues. Arielle Boulin-Prat and Bertrand Renard would not have refused to referee the weekends: “We did not refuse the supposed new version of the game, since it was never presented to us”.
In the rest of the interview, the referees also spoke about their employment contracts. “France Télévisions demanded a drop in our salary of around 60% and refused to grant us the CDI that we had the audacity to claim”, they said and add that this was no less than 36 years old for Arienne Boulin-Prat and 47 years old for Bertrand Renard that they were on fixed-term contracts.
“In short, far from wanting to leave or leave the show, it is France Télévisions, where we have worked for so long, that chooses to separate from us, to act alone on a break that has never been asked of it”, they specified. According to Télé-Loisirs, two new referees have been appointed: Stéphane Crosnier, for the figures and professor of letters whose name has not yet been revealed.