
Title: Celebrating Macao’s Return to China: A Quarter-Century of Progress

On December 20, Macao will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its return to China, marking a significant milestone in its history. In anticipation of this momentous occasion, China Daily is launching a special live coverage event to honor Macao’s remarkable journey over the past quarter-century and to envision its promising future under the “one country, two systems” policy.

Cultural Heritage and Economic Rise

The program will shine a spotlight on Macao’s rich cultural heritage and its impressive economic growth since rejoining China in 1999. From its historic sites to its vibrant arts scene, Macao has preserved its unique identity while embracing modernization and progress. Experts and scholars will provide insights into how Macao has managed to strike a balance between tradition and innovation, making it a shining example of successful cultural preservation in a rapidly changing world.

Youth Contributions and Aspirations

One of the key focuses of the live coverage will be on the contributions of Macao’s youth to the city’s development and their aspirations for the future. Interviews with young entrepreneurs, musicians, and scholars will offer a glimpse into the vibrant and dynamic spirit of Macao’s younger generation. Their perspectives and experiences will provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Macao as it continues to evolve and grow.

Enduring Bond with the Motherland

Through engaging conversations with a diverse range of guests, including entrepreneurs, scholars, musicians, and youths, the live coverage will explore the deep and enduring bond that Macao shares with the motherland. From cultural exchanges to economic partnerships, Macao’s connection to China remains strong and resilient, serving as a testament to the success of the “one country, two systems” policy in fostering unity and cooperation between different regions.

As we celebrate Macao’s return to China and look towards its bright future, let us reflect on the achievements and challenges that have shaped this unique city. Join us for this special live coverage event on Wednesday at 8 pm to witness the celebration of Macao’s past, present, and future.