
The anti-abortion movement is facing significant challenges as it struggles to find a common agenda and direction in the wake of the historic victory of overturning Roe v. Wade. Despite this milestone, key players within the movement are pulling in different directions, causing division and uncertainty about the way forward.

One major point of contention within the movement is the debate over whether the ultimate goal should be the complete abolition of abortion or if the focus should shift towards other aspects of reproductive health, such as fertility treatments. This fundamental disagreement has led to infighting and a lack of consensus on a basic agenda.

The recent Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Indianapolis saw a controversial vote to condemn in vitro fertilization, highlighting the internal conflicts within the movement. Additionally, conservative lawyers advocating for strict restrictions on medication abortion suffered a setback at the Supreme Court, raising questions about the effectiveness of their strategies.

Former President Donald J. Trump’s remarks urging Republicans to avoid discussing specific abortion bans at certain stages of pregnancy further underscored the disarray within the anti-abortion movement. The lack of cohesion and clear direction is evident as major players struggle to find a unified path forward, even two years after the landmark decision on Roe v. Wade.

The internal divisions are deepening as some hard-liners reject the incremental approach that was previously successful in advancing their agenda, while others are wary of the political implications of pushing too aggressively on this issue. This internal strife is hindering the movement’s ability to effectively advocate for its goals and is creating uncertainty about its future direction.

Overall, the anti-abortion movement is at a crossroads, grappling with internal disagreements and strategic differences that are undermining its ability to advance its agenda. As key players continue to pull in different directions, the movement faces significant challenges in finding a clear and unified path forward in the complex landscape of reproductive rights advocacy.