
Donald Trump’s supporters view him as more than just a man who narrowly escaped harm. They see him as a savior of the nation. During the Republican National Convention, various speakers shared their belief in divine intervention in protecting Trump. Franklin Graham, Eric Trump, Ben Carson, and Trump himself all spoke about how they believe God played a role in ensuring Trump’s safety.

This focus on faith and patriotism has become a central theme in Republican politics, especially since the rise of the Trump movement. The strong connection between Christianity and the Republican Party has become even more pronounced as the country becomes more secular and diverse. This shift has caused divisions within evangelical churches and families, but for many, it has only strengthened their support for Trump.

Despite criticism of his speech for being divisive, Trump’s supporters see him as a chosen leader, someone who has God on his side. This unwavering faith in Trump has fueled their determination to see him return to the White House in the upcoming election, even as he deviates from some of their traditional social priorities.

This convergence of religion and politics has become a defining feature of the Republican Party, and Trump’s followers are unwavering in their belief that he is the right person to lead the country. The upcoming election will be a test of the strength of this faith in Trump and his ability to unite his supporters behind him once again.