
Climate Crisis Escalates with Unprecedented Speed, Sulphur Emissions Identified as Contributing Factor

Global warming is rapidly increasing at a rate of 0.25 degrees per decade, the highest rate ever recorded. A recent report by a group of over 50 prominent international scientists, including researchers from Imperial College London, has revealed that the remaining carbon budget to limit warming to 1.5°C has significantly decreased from previous estimates. This reduction highlights the urgent need for immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Professor Joeri Rogelj, a leading expert from Imperial’s Centre for Environmental Policy and Grantham Institute, emphasized the critical importance of lowering greenhouse gas pollution in the next 5 to 10 years to prevent further temperature rise. The report indicates that human-induced warming has already reached 1.19°C over the past decade, dangerously close to the 1.5°C limit set by the Paris Agreement.

One key finding of the report is the impact of sulphur emissions reductions from the global shipping industry on climate change. While sulphur emissions have cooling effects by reflecting sunlight and aiding in cloud formation, decreasing these emissions poses a threat of increased warming. Dr. Robin Lamboll, a research fellow at Imperial, underscored the need for rapid reductions in emissions to meet the goals of the Paris agreement.

The study also points out the importance of upcoming climate conferences, such as COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, in shaping global climate policies. The report is expected to influence new climate plans submitted by countries to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by 2025.

Additionally, a new open data platform, the Climate Change Tracker’s Indicators of Global Climate Change dashboard, has been launched to provide updated information on key climate indicators. This tool aims to enhance transparency and accessibility in monitoring climate change trends.

As the world faces escalating climate challenges, urgent and concerted efforts are needed to mitigate the impact of global warming and secure a sustainable future for all.

Joeri Rogelj is a renowned climate scientist and Director of Research at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change. He has dedicated his career to studying the impact of human activities on the environment and advocating for effective climate policies. Rogelj’s expertise in climate modeling and carbon budgeting has been instrumental in shaping international climate agreements and guiding global efforts towards a greener future. His research has been pivotal in raising awareness about the urgency of climate action and the need for immediate solutions to address the climate crisis.