
Three associate deans at Columbia University, Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick, and Cristen Kromm, have been put on leave following the circulation of screenshots of their conversation during an antisemitism panel. The texts included vomit emojis and dismissive remarks, which were shared online and even caught the attention of Congress.

The Dean of Columbia College announced that the three administrators have been placed on leave pending an investigation into the incident that took place at the College alumni reunion a few weeks ago. Dean Josef Sorett was part of the group chat where the controversial texts were exchanged but has not faced any disciplinary action.

The House Committee on Education and the Workforce has requested Columbia University to release the text messages from the deans involved in the scandal. Representative Virginia Foxx expressed her dismay at the situation, stating that she was appalled but not surprised by the disparaging messages exchanged by Columbia administrators during a panel discussing antisemitism.

Columbia University has faced student protests in the past, particularly around issues related to Palestine, with police having to intervene to remove students from campus buildings. The university has emphasized its commitment to combating antisemitism and creating a campus environment where Jewish students and all members of the community feel safe, valued, and supported.

In response to the incident, Dean Sorett has reaffirmed his dedication to learning from the situation and previous incidents to foster a community of respect and healthy dialogue on campus. The university spokesperson has reiterated their commitment to addressing antisemitism and implementing concrete actions to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students.

The situation at Columbia University serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting understanding, respect, and open dialogue on sensitive issues such as antisemitism. It also highlights the need for accountability and transparency in addressing instances of discrimination or intolerance within academic institutions. As universities strive to create diverse and inclusive environments, incidents like this underscore the ongoing work needed to foster a culture of respect and mutual understanding among all members of the campus community.