Commentary on the European elections a Chance for the SPD
Commentary on the European elections a Chance for the SPD

The European elections will be the first choice for years, the Germans don’t know what’s coming. This applies to their immediate neighborhood, to the nationalistic and Undemocratic slipped Poland and extremist infected France. It is also in the Interior, where the Era of Merkel expires, it is not clear whether and how an Era Kramp-Karrenbauer joins.

This is the Chance for the SPD. You can’t continue as it is now in the list of candidates for the European elections, of a Kevin Kühnert in the left Keller drive, your top candidate Katarina Barley, the possibility to appeal to the literally social-democratic Conscience beyond the Macron-Mélenchon-LePen-polarization.

This could discourage voters on AfD, or left party, fall, have now attracted amicably in yellow vests.

Barley is also on par with a top candidate from the CSU, the can’t explain, on which the Chancellor he wants his policy on Europe one day actually support. Like the ever so safe from the CDU/CSU. But which one?