
The issue of immigration and border security has become a major concern for voters, with high numbers of migrant apprehensions at the southern border. Former President Donald J. Trump’s tough stance on immigration has gained support, while President Biden, who initially aimed to reverse Trump’s immigration policies, has recently implemented stricter border policies.

However, both candidates have made claims that require fact-checking. Trump exaggerated the success of his border wall construction, claiming he built 571 miles of wall when the actual number was 458 miles. Additionally, he failed to fulfill his promise of having Mexico pay for the wall.

Biden, on the other hand, has sometimes overstated his proposed border security measures. It’s essential to scrutinize the statements made by both candidates to understand the reality of the situation.

While Trump’s administration did make progress on border barriers, the actual numbers fall short of his claims. The government awarded contracts for 631 miles of barriers, with construction halted by Biden upon taking office. This shows that the situation at the border is more complex than what is portrayed by politicians.

It is crucial for voters to be well-informed about the facts surrounding immigration and border security, as these issues have significant implications for the country’s future. By analyzing and fact-checking the claims made by political candidates, voters can make more informed decisions at the polls.