
Breana Dell recently shared her emotional journey of holding her newborn conjoined twin daughters, Amelia Jane and Elhora Auri, for one hour after their birth. The Atlanta couple was initially shocked to discover they were having conjoined twins, fused at the torso. Despite doctors’ warnings that the twins couldn’t be separated and their chance of survival was slim, the Dells remained hopeful and relied on their faith throughout the pregnancy.

Throughout this challenging time, Breana faced severe emotional struggles and anxiety attacks, but she and her husband, Matthew, were determined to do everything they could to save their daughters. The twins were born on February 29, weighing 3.5 pounds each. They came into the world holding each other in a sweet embrace, bringing a sense of peace to their parents.

Conjoined twins are a rare occurrence, happening in one of every 50,000 to 200,000 births. The Dells received an outpouring of support from their church, family, friends, and even strangers on social media. Despite the heartbreaking outcome, they are grateful for the time they had with their daughters and are planning to grow their family in the future.

The classification of conjoined twins is based on the location of their connection and the organs they share. Separation surgery is complex and survival rates vary depending on the shared organs. Twins who share a heart or components of the brain have higher mortality rates, even if they survive the separation. The overall survival rate after separation is approximately 75%, with many twins facing long-term health challenges.

The Dells’ story is a testament to the power of faith, hope, and love in the face of adversity. Their journey highlights the importance of support from the community and the strength that comes from facing challenges together. Despite the heartbreak of losing their daughters, Breana and Matthew remain positive and hopeful for the future.