Greenpeace the Car industry is producing more greenhouse gas emissions than the whole of the European Union
Greenpeace the Car industry is producing more greenhouse gas emissions than the whole of the European Union

The auto industry has been one of the driving forces behind climate change, the engineers of Volkswagen, Renault-Nissan, and Toyota as the world’s largest emitters of CO2 into the atmosphere. That said, the environmental organization Greenpeace in a new report. If we are in the warming up of the earth and want to be limited to 1.5 degrees celsius, the disposal of vehicles that use fossil fuels, including hybrids, at 2028 is completely stopped, it repeats the organisation.

According to the report, “Crashing” the climate, the automobile industry is the driving force behind the climate crisis”, the worldwide automotive industry in the last year and accounts for 9 per cent of the total global greenhouse gas emissions. “She has been responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the whole of the European Union,” according to The City, an expert in sustainable urban mobility at Greenpeace Belgium. In our country, sales of cars will have a CO2 footprint that is consistent with the 24% of Belgian emissions, which sounds like it’s still there.

Greenpeace says that for nearly four years, after the climate deal by Paris, there is not a lot of in-house and has been in a period of transition to a more climate-friendly mode of transport. “Automotive companies are lobbying against strict klimaatregelgeving, they are able to be in the production of a zero-emissievoertuigen be effective in their history, and they will continue to be for the individual’s use and possession of the vehicle to promote”, you hear the sound of it.

a Ban on the sale of motor vehicles that use fossil fuels

that is Why the government’s measures, according to the conservation group. As it is, it is no longer sufficient to maintain the car’s brandstofzuiniger and hybrid cars to improve performance. “On the contrary, they represent the fundamental framework that is needed,” according to the report. In addition, with the increasing sales of SUVS and heavier cars to emit more CO2 in. They have to make in Europe, a third in the U.S. for more than two-thirds of the market.

The essential envelope, starts out, according to Greenpeace, with a ban on the sale of motor vehicles that use fossil fuels (such as gasoline and diesel fuel at the latest in 2028. Furthermore, automotive manufacturers are focusing on compact, energy-efficient electric vehicles. For electric sport utility vehicles (SUV’s have a larger battery and a bigger CO2 footprint than the compact e-vehicle. The automotive companies also need to get rid of the ambition for ever-more cars to sell. They will be able to better focus on other business models (such as the deelautodiensten offer), find Greenpeace.

for More about Greenpeace Greenpeace: “Brazil is lit up, even for ” the meat of our” Klimaatbewegingen to go with representatives to strengthen the protection, after the incident with the Anuna, The Weaver, the Actor, Javier Bardem keeps a fierce advocacy for the oceans, and it does it to Donald Trump at the united nations meeting: “What’s going on here, will have far-reaching impacts on our future,” Announced Greenpeace ship the Rainbow Warrior is coming to Belgium