
Corruption Concerns Loom Large as Mongolia Gears Up for Election

Mongolians are preparing to cast their votes in the upcoming parliamentary election, with corruption and the distribution of mining wealth taking center stage as key issues for voters. The ruling Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) is looking to maintain its hold on power, while opposition parties are pushing for change in response to recent corruption scandals.

President Khurelsukh Ukhnaa, a member of the MPP, has been in office since 2021, and the party currently holds a majority of seats in the Great Khural. As the election approaches, all parties are ramping up their campaigns to win over voters across the country.

With an increase in the number of parliamentary seats from 76 to 126, smaller parties see an opportunity to gain more influence. However, the MPP’s strong presence and promises of social welfare initiatives have helped them maintain a lead in the polls.

While the MPP’s economic policies have focused on growth, concerns about corruption remain high. Recent high-profile cases and Mongolia’s declining score on Transparency International’s corruption index have fueled calls for greater accountability and transparency in government.

As voters prepare to head to the polls, the outcome of the election remains uncertain, with the possibility of a coalition government or a shift in power. Despite the challenges facing the country, Mongolia’s commitment to democratic values and independence continues to be closely watched by the international community.

In the midst of economic growth and political uncertainty, Mongolians are eager for change and a government that prioritizes the needs of its citizens. The upcoming election will determine the country’s path forward and shape its relationship with global partners in the years to come.