A cardiologist from Hanover demanded an advance payment of 500 euros in cash from a patient. The responsible authority is now dealing with the unusual case.

In Hanover, a cardiologist’s patient was asked to pay 500 euros in cash before her examination. As “HAZ.de” reports, the doctor’s long-term patient wanted to pay for the check-up privately because, as a statutory health insurance patient, she had difficulty getting an appointment.

According to “HAZ.de”, the 67-year-old explained that she had tried to get an appointment as a statutory health insurance patient, but this was difficult due to the high demand. This prompted her to pay for the examination herself and register online as a private patient. When making the appointment, she was informed that an advance payment of 500 euros in cash was required.

In practice, it turned out that the requested amount could not be paid by debit card, but only in cash. The pensioner, who did not have the amount with her, was forced to leave the practice without treatment – even though she had waited months for the appointment. “Who goes to the doctor with 500 euros?” the woman asked “HAZ.de” and criticized the doctor’s actions.

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Lower Saxony (KVN) took a close look at the case. Detlef Haffke, spokesman for the KVN, confirmed to “HAZ.de” that it is not usual for doctors to demand payment in advance.

An employee of the Medical Association of Lower Saxony admitted to the newspaper that doctors are free to decide which means of payment they accept, but according to the fee schedule, an advance payment is only permitted if a cost estimate has been submitted, which was not the case here.

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