While Pride Month has already established itself worldwide as a celebration of diversity, Pride Month is less well known. It is the counterpart to Pride Month and was created by right-wing extremists.

June is actually colorful: rainbow flags are increasingly seen because they stand for the LGBTQIA community, for solidarity with lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people.

Pride Month is celebrated worldwide every year in June, but in the past the celebration of diversity has regularly been overshadowed by the countermovement of Pride Month.

Actually, Stolzmonat is just the German translation of Pride Month. But the movement behind it is right-wing extremist. Pride Month originated in Austria. Here, supporters of right-wing parties spoke out in favor of boycotting solidarity with queer people. The result was an action that spread to Germany in early summer 2023.

During Pride Month, instead of colorful rainbow flags, German flags are posted on social networks or uploaded as profile pictures to underline national pride. The corresponding hashtag Pride Month is also used to rail against gender terms and the LGBTQIA community.

Shlomo Finkelstein, a right-wing extremist influencer who appears under a pseudonym, played a key role in spreading Pride Month in this country.

A twist that the supporters of Pride Month were not expecting: Fabian Grischkat, who works as a YouTuber and activist, has secured the word mark Stolzmarke. Grischkat is queer. Thanks to Grischkat, the word Stolzmonat is now to be returned to its original meaning, the translation of Pride Month. The influencer has set up his own online shop, where shirts and other Pride Month products with pictures and sayings for the LGBTQIA community are now sold.