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The seventh wave is decreasing, of course, but that does not mean that the virus has disappeared. On the contrary ! As the Breton branch of the portal regularly explained, many new cases are recorded weekly in France. At the regional level alone – in Brittany, therefore – there were 7,965 cases of coronavirus between Thursday August 4 and Thursday August 11, 2022. Across France as a whole, the number of new patients then amounted to 210,118. In such a context, marked in particular by “high virological and hospital indicators” in the opinion of Public Health France, barrier gestures remain essential in order not to contract the affliction.

Another reassuring sign, however: the rate of hospitalizations is also falling. And this, note our colleagues, whether it is a question of traditional hospitalizations (-28%) or only critical care (-26%). In some departments, however, the incidence rate remains higher than elsewhere. Find, in our slideshow below, the list of departments where the virus is still circulating with the most vehemence.

The outbreak is receding, sure, and restrictions have (mostly, at the very least) been lifted. That being said, this does not mean that we should abandon some of the barrier gestures that have helped to minimize the impact of the pandemic. This is why Santé Publique France continues to recommend wearing a mask in public transport, for example.