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Is the eighth wave already here? Although contamination is down in the clearest part of the territory, some departments still remain above the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, over 7 days, recommended by the government.

“There will be an eighth wave” declared last week the Minister of Health François Braun, in the columns of the media Le Progrès. A harbinger of his arrival? If on a national scale, there is a decline, it continues more and more weakly, according to figures from Public Health France.

Doctor Damien Mascret, on France info, had also indicated that the scenario of a new upsurge in the fall was the most likely: “Since the end of 2020, we have indeed witnessed successive waves, with a certain regularity ”.

The Minister of Health, however worried, explains in Ouest-France: “What we do not know is what its magnitude will be. To deal with it, he informed, there will be a vaccination campaign which will resume in the fall”.

If the decline in cases continues mainly in France, this is not the case for all departments. Specifically eleven of them. The incidence rate is still above 150 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

Worse still, it is up compared to last week. To show them to you, Planet has produced the slideshow below which lists them, according to the Covid Tracker site.