In winter, autumn, spring or summer… The coronavirus epidemic no longer gives us the slightest respite, regardless of the time of year. According to Benjamin Davido, infectious disease specialist, it’s simple: “the fact that this virus can strike in the middle of summer makes it endemic”, he confides in the columns of France Info.
This specialist, also a Covid-19 referent at the Garches hospital (Hauts-de-Seine), believes that this resurgence of the virus is “perfectly unexpected in relation to the season”. The responsibles ? The new variants, more contaminating by 10 or even 15%, which plunge us into a new epidemic dynamic.
To deal with Covid-19, we must first get rid of the hope of collective immunity, according to Benjamin Davido. “There is no lasting immunity against these coronaviruses, in the same way as flu and that’s why we vaccinate every year,” he explains. The specialist thus regrets the abandonment of the wearing of the mask, in particular in public transport, airports … “We are in an ubiquitous situation, we no longer protect ourselves, we have almost fallen into the opposite excess”, continues -he, always with our colleagues from France Info. To fight, it is now a question of “acting, anticipating the next waves (…) being able to say that there will be vaccine reminders”, and relaunch the vaccination campaign.
Asked this Wednesday, June 22 on France 2 about a possible new epidemic wave of Covid-19 in France, Alain Fisher confirmed and mentioned the possible protective measures to come. “The question is, ‘how strong is the wave’,” he explained. Asked by Thomas Sotto in Télématin on the question of the return of the wearing of the mask in transport, the president of the orientation council on the vaccine strategy. assures that “it is discussed seriously”. He tempers by specifying that this measure would be “certainly for fragile people, and probably for the whole population, because it is a collective protection measure and by making the small effort to wear the mask we contribute to protect the vulnerable people”.
Where is this new summer wave already being felt? In 16 departments, all the indicators are on the rise: incidence rate, occupation of intensive care units, hospitalizations… Is yours one of them? Find out without delay in our slideshow below thanks to the figures from Covid Tracker.