
A group of federal agencies is teaming up to crack down on the illegal e-cigarette market in the United States. The focus is on unauthorized candy-flavored and nicotine-laden vapes that are flooding the market from overseas.

These illegal e-cigarettes, especially those with flavors like “peach berry,” “pineapple strawberry,” and “triple berry ice,” are a major concern as they are popular among adolescents. The Justice Department and the Food and Drug Administration are leading this new effort to combat the issue.

The coalition of law enforcement agencies involved in this crackdown includes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Federal Trade Commission, and the U.S. Postal Service. They will be utilizing federal laws to impose fines and jail terms on those involved in the illegal e-cigarette trade.

The goal of this initiative is to protect the health of Americans, especially children and adolescents, who are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of these unauthorized vaping products. Past enforcement efforts have been criticized for being ineffective, with only warning letters and limited penalties issued to vendors.

Traditional tobacco companies like Reynolds American have also joined the call for action, urging the FDA to eliminate these illicit products that are competing with their own e-cigarettes. While some companies have marketed flavored vapes in other countries, the focus now is on curbing the influx of these illegal products into the U.S.

Overall, the new law enforcement unit is a step towards addressing the growing concern of illegal e-cigarettes in the market and protecting the health of the public. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of this crackdown and its impact on the vaping industry.