Defense politicians from the CDU and CSU have welcomed the federal government’s decision to allow Ukraine to use Western weapons against military targets in Russia.

However, they accuse the Chancellor of hesitation. “Once again we see how our partners from Central, Eastern and Northern Europe are increasing the pressure on Olaf Scholz to finally change his stance. Scholz seems like a driven man who has to give in little by little,” said CDU Bundestag member Roderich Kiesewetter to the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

For the retired Bundeswehr colonel, one thing is clear: “Putin only understands the language of strength. On the other hand, it is weakness and self-deterrence that encourage Putin to escalate further. In this respect, I see no risk whatsoever if Ukraine eliminates military targets in Russia with Western weapons systems.” The warnings about an escalation of the war are “merely an expression of self-deterrence, fear-mongering and an election campaign by the SPD, which presents itself as a peace party – but whose hesitation and blocking create the danger of an expansion of the war.”

CDU defense expert Serap Güler told the newspaper: “Ukraine is the country that is being attacked. Continuing to force them to watch with their hands tied as they are attacked across the border every day probably falls into the category of failure to provide assistance. It is good that Ukraine is now being given the right to defend itself.” The defense policy spokesman for the Union faction, Florian Hahn (CSU), also believes that the federal government’s change of course is the right one. “This has created equal conditions for the use of weapons, which international law expressly provides for,” he told the “Augsburger Allgemeine.”