
There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about videos of President Biden that are circulating online. Some critics say these clips show signs of Biden’s cognitive decline. One example is a video from the G-7 Summit where Biden walked away from other world leaders to watch parachutists, prompting the Italian Prime Minister to bring him back for a photo. Some experts warn that even though these videos may not be advanced “deepfakes,” they can still spread false narratives effectively.

The White House and media have dismissed these videos as manipulated, with Biden’s press secretary even calling them “deepfakes.” However, experts clarify that these are likely “cheap fakes,” created with simpler editing tools. Despite the debate over the accuracy of these videos, many believe that Biden’s mental acuity is declining, regardless of his age.

The media has been quick to defend Biden, labeling claims of his freezing or wandering as false narratives. Some outlets have fact-checked videos showing Biden standing still at events, arguing that they are manipulated to create a negative portrayal of the president. However, critics argue that the media is trying to cover up evidence of Biden’s cognitive decline to protect his image.

The impact of these videos on the upcoming election is a cause for concern, with some outlets warning about the spread of misinformation through “cheap fakes.” Big Tech platforms have also been criticized for amplifying these videos and contributing to the dissemination of false information. The Biden campaign’s response to these videos has been to dismiss them as part of a disinformation campaign, rather than addressing concerns about the president’s capabilities.

Overall, the debate over these viral clips of Biden highlights the importance of media literacy and critical thinking when consuming content online. As the 2024 election cycle heats up, it is crucial for viewers to be discerning about the information they encounter and to consider multiple perspectives before forming opinions. The role of the media in shaping public perception and influencing political discourse is significant, making it essential for journalists to uphold ethical standards and provide accurate, balanced reporting.