
Review in real-time: Lary Kidd receives mixed reviews on his new album

Lary Kidd, the rapper, has released his third solo album titled “Le cheval blanc de Napoléon.” The album was put under live analysis by journalist Nicolas Tittley and film specialist Helen Faradji. The critics, who focused particularly on the lyrics, had mixed opinions. Helen Faradji was not convinced by the way the rapper used a poem by author Michel Lalonde. “In a way, you strip this poem of its political meaning,” she said, trying to understand why. However, the unusual references to cocaine have the merit of bringing a unique style and breaking away from the usual references in hip-hop, as noted by Nicolas Tittley. “Marijuana has been so central in rap culture for so long that the character he portrays talking about cocaine brings a slightly more abrasive side.”

At the end of the interview, Laurent Fortier-Brassard, whose real name is Lary Kidd, addresses rumors about a dispute with the group Alaclair Ensemble.

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