
A musician named Jack Nolan from Exeter, England, decided to quit his full-time job and travel the world on a cruise ship. He started working on cruise ships in 2016 and has been enjoying the experience ever since.

Jack Nolan, who used to work in plumbing shops, felt burned out and wanted a change in his career. He received a call from a friend in 2016 to join a band as a guitarist, and they landed their first gig on a ferry. After that, they got their first contract for a cruise, which kickstarted Nolan’s travel adventures.

Nolan currently works on the Virgin Voyages cruise line as a musician. He mentioned that although his monthly pay may not seem like much, the low overhead costs of living on the cruise ship allow him to save a significant amount of money. He makes around $4,000 a month in U.S. dollars.

One of the best parts of Nolan’s job is being able to explore new travel destinations every time the cruise ship docks. Some of his favorite spots include the Acropolis in Greece, the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Hobbiton in New Zealand, and the Blue Lagoon in Iceland.

While Nolan enjoys his job, he does hope to eventually move back to land to be closer to his family and friends. Despite that, he has met incredible people from all over the world during his time working on cruise ships and has learned a lot from them.

Working on a cruise ship allows Nolan to travel to multiple countries in a week and wake up in a different country each day. This constant change of scenery provides a unique and exciting experience. Although cruise ship employees sleep in close quarters, being able to explore new destinations is a great release for them.

In conclusion, Jack Nolan’s decision to quit his day job and become a musician on a cruise ship has allowed him to travel the world, experience different cultures, and meet amazing people. While he hopes to return to land one day, he cherishes the memories and experiences he has gained from his time on the cruise ship.