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Bitcoin, Litecoin, dogecoin and other Ripples… Cryptocurrencies, which some also call crypto-assets, are now legion. For some, it is the promise of a future fortune and more and more of them are being seduced, informed the daily Les Echos in February 2022. In France, the trend towards investing in cryptocurrency jumped in 2021, so much so that the country then had more holders of crypto-assets than direct shares, according to a sector study on which our colleagues are based. It is not difficult to identify the typical profile of the investor: most of the time they are men, relatively young and looking for a high return.

All in all, the Echos teams reported, 8% of French men and women declared in 2021 that they had already invested in cryptocurrencies. Only 3% did so last year, according to a KPMG/Ipsos study conducted for the Association for the Development of Digital Assets. By way of comparison, only 6.7 of taxpayers own shares. However, it is a much more interesting investment, believes economist Philippe Crevel, who categorically refuses to recommend crypto-assets. On the other hand, he indicates, other products may prove to be more relevant…

“In order not to invest in crypto-assets, it is possible to go through other products, some of which do not necessarily bring in less”, he explains first, not without pointing out the risk of loss. money in the case of cryptocurrencies.

“Equities, especially those that are unlisted and that come from SMEs of French or European origin, can be very relevant. You also have to think about investing in commodities from Forex and not forgetting SCPIs, in real estate, which also have real advantages over crypto-currencies”, specifies the expert, who heads the Cercle des Savers. . And he concluded: “Of course, there is also the possibility of going towards inflation-indexed bonds or towards the Livret A and its variants. This remains 2% guaranteed”.

Find, in our slideshow below, 5 reasons to avoid cryptocurrencies.