CSU Christmas party A confession as a gift
CSU Christmas party A confession as a gift

Christmas parties mountains some joy and some danger, Franz Beckenbauer is able to sing a song. Particularly dangerous, but the Christmas celebrations of the CSU. At least the party Chairman Horst Seehofer was true, the journalists on Wednesday evening to his – probably last Christmas party in the office had been invited. Seehofer was aroused in his speech, which he released to the Quote specifically, the memory of the legendary Christmas party of 2012.

Timo Frasch

Political correspondent in Munich.

F. A. Z.

it was Then that he let the press know what he thought of the two most Ambitious among his possible successors. Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, at the time now without any office, he called a “Firefly”. The current Prime Minister, Markus Söder, he attested to “character flaws”. Söder, the observation of his boss, had eaten away “from the ambition,” and too many “Schmutzeleien bar”. On Wednesday evening Seehofer now revealed, without explicitly 2012, all of this had not been planned “long-Hand”, “but spontaneously originated”. This finding should be regarded as “confession”. But he seemed to be quite at peace with himself: “you have to bring also the first time that a speech is enough to be ten years quoted.”

Now it came to pass that the once-fancy-Characterized fully on Wednesday in the CSU Central were absent, but very present: Söder, because he is likely to follow in January Seehofer in the office of the party leaders, and Guttenberg, because he had given this newspaper a short time before an Interview, expressed in terms of the CSU – seasonally – attentively perceived. You could see the, for example, of Florian Herrmann. Söders state Chancellery chief posted was overwritten on Twitter without comment a “world”article that picked up on Guttenbergs F. A. Z.-Interview reference and with “brother profligate remains in the pride loyalty”.

Guttenberg had not actually provided impressive proof that he is different than he believes to recognize it in Söder – risk to overdo it with the conversion to the “humble team player”. He sat against Söder some of the peaks, which reached Seehofer’s Christmas party level. Especially was refined, as he brought Seehofer against Söder in position. So Guttenberg warned that the CSU needs to be your Even-in-chief “for his selfless work grateful should you lift in a quiet yet emerge stronger”. Also, it was “measure, the blame for the bad result at the state election only Horst Seehofer pass the buck”.

the comparisons with Strauss and Theo Waigel “cheese”

Guttenberg might have hoped that Seehofer would like to thank the at least on of the Christmas party. But he had obviously missed the “Kairos” – to quote a word from his doctoral work with it slowly also be good times. In any case, Seehofer said at the Christmas party: “I can say that our party is in order, it also Interviews change anything.” It was an “honest mood in the party”, “everywhere”. Generation to be “always connected with frictions, not so serious type”. The CSU could be satisfied, “as she has done in the past”. Markus Söder was “a very good solution”. He wanted to “give nothing, what to do, a new Chairman and a new team”. Guttenberg had said in an Interview: in The Christmas mood, in the praises now, suddenly, each other, can not conceal the fact that the party still things need to be clarified.“ He added: “the Format of a Franz Josef Strauß’ or Theo Waigels” rich Söder “so far.” Seehofer in turn, These comparisons with the party Chairman said: “who came up close to the ostrich, who is as far away from Theo Waigel, that’s all cheese.”