
Cybertruck Owner Stuck With Oversized Vehicle

Blaine Raddon, a Cybertruck owner, finds himself in a predicament as his newly purchased vehicle does not fit comfortably in his parking spot. Despite wanting to return or resell the Cybertruck, Tesla has refused to accommodate his request, leaving him with a vehicle that no longer suits his living circumstances.

Why is the Cybertruck too big for the parking spot?

Upon receiving his Cybertruck, Raddon realized that the vehicle was much larger than expected and struggled to navigate it into his parking space. The size of the Cybertruck has made it difficult for him to get in and out of the vehicle comfortably, prompting his desire to return or resell it.

What are the restrictions placed by Tesla on reselling the Cybertruck?

Tesla has a specific portion in its Motor Vehicle Order Agreement for the Cybertruck that prohibits owners from reselling the vehicle for one year. Violating this agreement could result in legal action from Tesla, including potential damages of up to $50,000. Despite Raddon’s changed circumstances and genuine need to part ways with the Cybertruck, Tesla has maintained its stance on the one-year restriction.

What steps has the Cybertruck owner taken to address the issue?

Raddon has reached out to the Tesla dealership manager seeking solutions such as reversing the transaction, trading in the Cybertruck for a different vehicle, or selling it back to Tesla without a profit. However, the manager has cited the contractual agreement and the strict policy against reselling the Cybertruck. Despite his efforts to appeal the decision, Raddon remains at a standstill, awaiting a response from Tesla regarding his plea to return the oversized vehicle.