
A father in North Carolina saved his 2-year-old daughter from drowning in the family pool over Memorial Day weekend. The quick actions and knowledge of CPR by the father, Matthew, played a crucial role in saving his daughter’s life.

The incident took place during a Memorial Day cookout when the young girl, Mila, fell into the pool without a flotation device. Family and friends rushed to provide assistance as the child began to drown. Matthew recounted how he heard his 10-year-old daughter screaming for Mila and saw his youngest daughter floating in the pool. He immediately jumped in and rescued her.

Mila’s mom, Amy, expressed feeling helpless and hopeless as she saw her daughter motionless by the pool. The child had turned blue and grey, indicating the severity of the situation. Matthew sprang into action when he realized that Mila was not breathing. He performed CPR on her, causing her to start breathing and crying again.

Fortunately, Mila made a full recovery after being transported to CaroMont Health. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of water safety, especially for young children. Statistics show that the majority of children who drown are under supervision at the time of the incident.

In light of this experience, Mila’s parents emphasized the need for constant adult supervision when children are near water. They pledged to always have an adult in the water playing and interacting with the children to prevent such accidents in the future.

Matthew also highlighted the importance of knowing CPR, especially when near a pool. He encouraged everyone to be familiar with CPR techniques and be prepared to administer them in case of emergencies. Being equipped with this knowledge can make a significant difference in saving lives.

The heroic rescue of Mila by her father serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of vigilance and preparedness when it comes to water safety. By staying attentive and informed, parents and caregivers can prevent tragic incidents like drowning and ensure the safety of their loved ones.