
NewsBreak, a popular news app in the U.S. with over 50 million monthly users, has come under scrutiny for spreading misinformation through AI-generated content. A recent Reuters report revealed that the company, which has its roots in China, uses AI technology to create news stories that never actually happened. For example, the app published a false article about a shooting in Bridgeton, New Jersey, on Christmas Eve, which was later debunked by the local police department.

While NewsBreak distributes content from reputable sources like Reuters, Fox, CNN, and AP, it also uses AI to generate articles based on information available online and through press releases. This has led to instances where the app’s automated content has disrupted local communities, such as providing incorrect information about food distributions for charities like Food to Power in Colorado and Harvest912 in Pennsylvania.

The company’s ties to China have also raised concerns, as NewsBreak was founded by Jeff Zheng, who also founded the Chinese news app Yidian. Additionally, NewsBreak’s primary backer is Beijing-based IDG Capital, which is on a list of Chinese companies alleged to be working with the Chinese military.

In light of these issues, it’s important for consumers to be vigilant about the news they consume online. Here are four ways to protect yourself from misinformation:

1. Verify sources: Check the credibility of the source and look for news from reputable organizations.
2. Check the author: Make sure the author of the content is credible and has expertise in the subject matter.
3. Use fact-checking tools: Utilize fact-checking websites to verify the accuracy of information.
4. Be skeptical of social media: Verify information from reliable sources before sharing it on social media platforms.

As we continue to navigate the digital age with the increasing use of AI in news media, it is crucial for platforms like NewsBreak to take responsibility in combating the spread of misinformation. By staying informed and following these tips, consumers can protect themselves from falling victim to false information online.