
Data breaches are becoming more common, and if you’ve used online services recently, you may have been affected. For example, the Advance Auto Parts breach exposed over 2.3 million users’ personal information, and an AT&T incident allowed hackers to access six months of customer call and text interactions. But what exactly happens with the data that is breached?

A data breach occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to confidential, private, protected, or sensitive information. It’s like sharing personal information with a friend who then shares it with someone who shouldn’t know it. In the case of the AT&T breach, hackers obtained call logs and text interactions meant to be private, leading to potential scams against customers.

Data breaches can happen in various ways, including targeted attacks on specific organizations or individuals, as well as through mistakes or oversights by employees. Hackers often research their targets, identify weaknesses in security, and execute attacks using methods like phishing or malware to steal personal information.

Once hackers have the data, they can use it for illegal activities such as identity theft, financial fraud, or spamming. The compromised data may also be sold on the dark web for use by other criminals. Companies involved in data breaches may face fines or lawsuits, impacting both customers and their reputation.

To protect yourself from data breaches, consider changing your passwords regularly, enabling two-factor authentication, monitoring your accounts for suspicious activity, and contacting your bank or credit card companies if necessary. Personal data removal services and identity theft protection can also help safeguard your information and prevent unauthorized use.

Remember, the impact of a data breach may not be immediate, but taking proactive steps to secure your data can prevent potential harm in the future. Stay informed, protect your devices, and monitor your accounts closely to ensure your information remains safe.