The placenta supplies the Baby during the pregnancy with nutrients.Some Hollywood stars have consumed their placenta and rave about the health Benefits.In Germany it is more of a Trend to leave out of the mother cake Globulin for the children to rotate.
Kim Kardashian wants to do it. January Jones, the Men to kneel beautiful Star of the hit series, Mad, ate it, and done: after the birth of the child the placenta.
The placenta at birth is approximately 500 to 600 grams heavy and measures approximately 15 to 20 centimeters. During pregnancy, it supplies the Embryo with nutrients, it protects it from pathogens and harmful environmental influences.
The allegedly wonderful Benefits of Plazentophagie
The followers of the Plazentophagie – the eating of the placenta – according to the wonders list of the things that makes the placenta and continues after birth. Supposedly pills from mother’s cake for a rosy complexion, and the iron loss of the body, you can donate to the mother energy and relieve post-Natal pains.
you are supposed to even help with milk let-down and depression. Oh Yes, a good mother-child bond can support you probably. And during the menopause they are supposed to keep female hormonal balance in order.
researchers have evaluated ten studies and remain skeptical
scientists at the Northwestern University in Chicago, evaluated the results of research on the topic. Their meta-analysis is likely to be some sobering up. Although the mass of anecdotes of women from the Benefits of the particular food by means of convinced exist. The researchers working with the psychologist Cynthia Coyle but could find no evidence to suggest that the consumption of the placenta, whether raw, cooked or in pill form, provides any Benefit.
on The contrary. The researchers complain that none of the ten studies referred to dealt with the possible risk of Plazentophagie. Since the placenta toxin during pregnancy – and pollutant filters, could weigh on consumption in the worst case, even for the Baby if it is breastfed.
In Germany, after all, some of the mothers from their placenta Globuli. These are intended to strengthen the immune system, and the internal balance of worry – mostly for the child.
It is not a biological imperative, its placenta to eat
the evaluation of The scientific studies shows, but it exists: Just because many animals – such as cats and mice – eating after the birth of their young with the placenta, there is not a biological imperative. Dear mothers, even if their Friends are supposed to do it, you do not need to eat their placenta for a long time.
What is with you? Would – or have – to process the placenta Globulin or consumed directly? Please write us your opinion! Comment below this article or send an email to
In the FOCUS Online/Wochit These fish should not eat Pregnant . cst nut cake Plazentophagie Globules placenta