
Former President Donald J. Trump is already setting low expectations for President Biden’s performance at their upcoming debate on June 27. During a campaign rally in Racine, Wis., Trump asked the crowd if anyone would be watching the debate, clearly indicating his focus on the upcoming showdown in Atlanta.

Throughout his speech, Trump alternated between downplaying his own chances of dominating Biden and then raising expectations again. The expectations game presents a unique challenge for the Trump campaign, as they have spent months portraying Biden as a frail and mentally declining individual. Videos circulating among Trump supporters show Biden walking stiffly, reinforcing the image of his supposed decline.

Despite this, Trump seemed to acknowledge the possibility that Biden could surpass the low bar he has set. He suggested that if Biden performs well, it would be due to being “pumped up,” insinuating that the president would use cocaine before the debate. This reference comes in the wake of a recent incident where cocaine was found in the White House by the Secret Service, although no link to the president or his family was established.

The upcoming debate promises to be a significant event, with both candidates preparing to face off against each other. Trump’s attempts to manage expectations and float excuses in case Biden outperforms him indicate the high stakes involved in this showdown. As the date of the debate approaches, the focus will be on how both candidates handle the pressure and deliver their messages to the American public.

In the lead-up to the debate, it will be interesting to see how the Trump campaign continues to frame Biden’s abilities and what strategies they employ to counter any potential strong performance from the president. Additionally, the fallout from Trump’s comments about drug use and the implications for the debate will likely be a point of discussion in the days leading up to the event. As voters anticipate the clash between the two candidates, the stage is set for a contentious and pivotal moment in the presidential campaign.