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If the summer holidays often rhyme with sunscreen, relaxation and swimming, they are also accompanied by an undeniable influx of holidaymakers. Transport companies can then rejoice! Thus, according to a survey carried out by Opionionway in 2022 and taken up by the Hospitality media, 42% of French women and men are ready to go on vacation this year. Among them, 20% would take the train. Unfortunately, it is not always so easy to find the right trip: the ticket can quickly become very expensive.

As summer approaches, the SNCF is indeed inflating its prices. The increase can climb up to 15% over the last few months according to an INSEE study, cited by La Dépêche. The company, for its part, refutes these figures. The price would have even fallen by 7%, she says. Most travellers, however, believes RTL, do not seem to share this opinion: “I travel London-Paris, Paris-Lyon, Lyon-Marseille and Marseille-Saint Raphaël. That’s 1200 euros. It’s long and it’s expensive and above all it’s quite complex, it’s not well enough served for the price we pay” explains a young woman to journalists.

There are also days that are best avoided. Indeed, it is necessary to remain vigilant and to be informed: SNCF strikes could be reported. Plus, you’re not the only one going on vacation. Some days are popular with the French because they sign the beginning or the end of the stay. So be sure not to leave at these times.

Here is the list of days to avoid so as not to see too many people, produced by planet according to the Femina media article.