A revolution in progress? This is at least the goal of this young Nantes start-up in full boom. At a time of ecological transition, anti-waste and certification labels, we could also add these returnable trays, which seem to delight several food brands established in France. “Fill your pockets, not your trash cans” is a catchy slogan.
While the reuse of glass bottles could make a comeback in France, the legislative framework around packaging is tightening more and more, as explained by 20 Minutes. It is therefore this start-up from Nantes that “benefits” from the trend, especially when it comes to fresh products. “It is estimated that 21 billion single-use trays are produced per year,” concedes Claire Nijdam, CEO of Berny. “The objective is to offer a solution to manufacturers and supermarkets who want to be able to do without plastic or polystyrene.” Which seems to be on the right track since no less than thirty stores in the Great West have signed agreements with the young firm to appropriate the use of containers.
As Les Échos reminds us, “the Agec law will impose 10% reusable packaging in 2027”, which is why manufacturers and distributors are looking for solutions. It is therefore Berny, this famous start-up from Nantes, who is thinking about reusing its stainless steel containers. For the moment, it must be said that it is a real success, at least in the Great West.
Berny, who borrows his name from Hermit Crab, this crustacean that reuses shells to protect itself, has therefore designed a 14 X 19 centimeter tray, corresponding to an individual portion as well as another twice as large. The customer pays a deposit of 2 euros for one and 3 euros for the other. The company’s earnings come mainly from the logistics service, collection, washing and delivery of containers, manufactured by Guy Degrenne, in Normandy.