deputy prime minister khusnullin gave his daughter an apartment worth 200 million
deputy prime minister khusnullin gave his daughter an apartment worth 200 million

the daughter of the new Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Marat Khusnullin owns an apartment in the center of Moscow, which is at least 200 million rubles, according to with reference to the extract from Rosreestr.

Initially, the flat area of 186,7 square meters, located 500 meters from the Kremlin in Kolymazhny lane, was owned by the Moscow Khusnullin bought it in February 2011 – three months after appointment to the post of Deputy mayor of Moscow on urban policy and construction. Later, the official gave the estate to his daughter Malik.

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Marat Khusnullin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister after the resignation of the previous government under the leadership of Dmitry Medvedev.

the Moscow opposition activists and municipal deputies, struggling against infill construction in the capital and the destruction of monuments of architecture, called Khusnullin, one of the most corrupt officials in city hall and one of the ideologists of the Moscow program of “renovation”. In his new post, Khusnullin has said about the need to spread the program throughout Russia.

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