
Online safety is a top concern as scams, cybercrime, and data breaches become more prevalent. A new initiative called Secure by Design is urging software manufacturers to prioritize consumer safety by building security measures into their products from the start. This initiative aims to make it easier for users to protect their information online.

Nicole Quinn, head of government relations APAC at Fortinet, compares online safety to the safety features built into a car. Just as a car comes equipped with seatbelts and airbags to keep passengers safe, software should also have built-in security measures to protect users from online threats.

Cybercriminals are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to carry out scams more efficiently. They can target multiple devices at once, create convincing fake voices, and exploit vulnerabilities at a faster rate. As a result, cybersecurity companies are working harder than ever to keep up with evolving threats.

The Secure by Design pledge, developed by CISA, includes goals such as improved multi-factor authentication, reduced use of default passwords, and increased security patch installations by customers. By implementing these changes, software companies aim to make it easier for consumers to avoid common mistakes that can lead to falling victim to scams.

One key aspect of the pledge is to shift the responsibility of online safety from individual users to software manufacturers. Products should come with strong security settings by default, requiring users to actively lower them if needed. This approach aims to make online safety more automatic and less reliant on user actions.

Fortinet, a major player in the cybersecurity industry, is committed to meeting the goals of the Secure by Design pledge. By providing products with built-in security features, the company aims to reduce the burden on everyday users to constantly stay vigilant against online threats.

Overall, the initiative emphasizes the importance of proactive security measures in software design to combat the growing global issue of cybercrime. By working together to enhance online safety, software manufacturers and consumers can create a more secure digital environment for everyone.