
The Palau people who were displaced from their community in Semporna have now found refuge in various islands and coastal villages, according to the NGO Borneo Komrad. The founder, Mukmin Nantang, mentioned that some of the villagers had to relocate after their houses were demolished, while others sought temporary shelter with relatives or friends. However, due to privacy and security reasons, the exact whereabouts of these displaced individuals remain undisclosed.

In some cases, the Palau people chose to live on their boats or in partially destroyed houses because they had no other options. Mukmin expressed concern over the lack of compassion shown towards this community, highlighting the challenges they face in terms of education and social acceptance. He emphasized that these individuals deserve respect and support, rather than being marginalized and stigmatized.

Regarding the allegations that some villagers set fire to their own homes during the demolition as a form of protest, Mukmin dismissed such claims, stating that it was illogical for anyone to resort to such extreme measures. The authorities, including Sabah Tourism, Culture, and Environment Minister Datuk Christina Liew, justified the demolition as a security measure, claiming that the villagers themselves had initiated the fires.

Despite the government’s actions, Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor assured that plans were in place to address the needs of the Palau community and that they would not be mistreated. It is essential to recognize the rights and dignity of all individuals, including those who have been displaced, and work towards providing them with the necessary support and resources for a fresh start.