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“Layla” singer DJ Robin thinks the remix “L’amour toujours” by Gigi D’Agostino is “really good”. What right-wing extremist partygoers have made of it is all the worse, says the Ballermann star, who is currently performing in Mallorca, in an interview with our editorial team: “It’s really bad that such a great song has become unplayable.”

Even without a ban, explains the 28-year-old, “a normal DJ who has something in his heart won’t play this song anymore – and no one with any brains will sing such disgusting lyrics.”

DJ Robin knows from his own experience what bans can do. When the city administration in Würzburg put his “Layla” on the index, it accelerated the nationwide success of the party song. The singer from Ditzingen believes that “Layla” cannot be compared with the excesses of “L’amour toujours”: “’Layla’ is a party song with funny lyrics – the current discussion after the Sylt party video is about it a text with right-wing radical views.”

DJ Robin doesn’t believe that a ban on the brown hate anthem will encourage people to sing the right-wing radical lyrics or to do it on purpose: “The people who shout that are all idiots anyway.”

Gigi D’Agostino can’t help it. But every DJ who plays the song must now expect that there will always be idiots who sing something different. “To counteract that, I would leave it alone for now,” says the 28-year-old, “and any DJ who still plays the song would be kicked out of my store and no longer allowed to perform there.”

The disgusting abuse of the song is spreading very quickly through social media. This is not only damaging to the people who sing it, but also to the DJ and the organizers.

Meanwhile, instead of “Foreigners out – Germany for the Germans”, this new text is sung on the song: “Nazis out – Germany is multi.” Will it really prevail?

By Uwe Bogen

The original of this article ““Layla” singer: “Nobody with any sense sings such disgusting lyrics”” comes from STUTTGARTER ZEITUNG.