
Bonnie Langford and Lenny Rush, who star in The Legend of Ruby Sunday, shared some exciting insights about their characters and experiences on the set of Doctor Who. Langford, who plays Melanie, expressed her joy at returning to the Doctor Who universe and how her character has evolved over the years. She discussed Mel’s involvement in a mission to uncover secrets and spy for UNIT and the Doctor.

Langford also praised working with Ncuti, highlighting his energy and charisma on set. She emphasized the complexity of interacting with different actors playing the Doctor and how Ncuti brought a unique approach to the role. The two-part finale promises mystery, adventure, vulnerability, emotion, and heartbreak for viewers.

On the other hand, Lenny Rush, who portrays Morris, shared his initial disbelief and excitement at landing a role in Doctor Who. He described Morris as a child genius, a departure from his previous characters, and praised the show’s impressive special effects and sets. Rush also mentioned humorous moments on set, including struggling to deliver lines with a mouthful of pizza during an emotional scene.

Rush highlighted the show’s iconic status and dedicated fan base, emphasizing the longevity of Doctor Who and the passion it inspires in viewers. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a beloved series and praised the hard work that goes into creating the show’s special effects and stunts. Rush summarized his episodes as thrilling, suspenseful, and heartwarming, offering a glimpse into the excitement viewers can expect.

Both Langford and Rush shared their experiences working on Doctor Who and expressed their appreciation for the chance to be part of a show with such a rich history and dedicated following. Their insights provide fans with a deeper understanding of the behind-the-scenes magic that makes Doctor Who a beloved and enduring television phenomenon.