
Catherine Sophie, a 23-year-old from Glasgow, Scotland, recently embarked on a month-long European vacation, but with a twist – she brought her beloved three-year-old Maltese dog, Teddy, along for the adventure. Sophie, who is an actress, often travels for work and decided to bring Teddy with her this time to Italy, as he is a “great companion” and well-behaved.

The trip began with a flight from Glasgow to Rome, with Sophie spending about $500 on the airline’s pet fee and Teddy’s required vaccinations. Once in Italy, they explored various cities like Rome, Bari, and Civitavecchia, staying in dog-friendly Airbnbs and even riding public transportation together. Sophie saw this as an opportunity to immerse herself in the Italian culture and practice the language.

During their travels, Sophie and Teddy visited iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum, the Vatican, and even Sophie’s great-grandfather’s war grave. Despite the UK’s regulations on pets traveling in the main cabin, Sophie ensured Teddy was by her side on the return journey by taking a longer route through Amsterdam, Dublin, Belfast, and a ferry ride back to Scotland, costing her an additional $450.

Sophie shared that the entire journey went smoother than expected, and she felt it was worth the extra effort and cost to have Teddy with her every step of the way. In total, she spent about $900 on transportation alone for Teddy to experience Italy with her, emphasizing that he is her dog and her responsibility.

This heartwarming story showcases the strong bond between a pet owner and their furry companion, highlighting the joy and fulfillment that comes from sharing adventures together. Sophie’s dedication to ensuring Teddy’s comfort and inclusion in her travel plans is a testament to the special relationship they share. The experience also serves as an inspiration for other pet owners to consider ways to include their animals in their travel experiences, creating lasting memories and strengthening their bond.